How to Bring the Spa Home to You
If we’ve learned anything over the past year, it’s the importance of self-care. You might not be able to go to the spa, but you can bring the spa to you. And while a spa night at home won’t magically solve all your problems, it can help you relax and re-energize for the next day. Here’s a guide to help you pamper yourself and relax at home.
Step 1: Set the mood
First things first. This is your “me” time, so before you begin, let the other members of your household know you’ll need time without interruptions. Now, let’s set the stage. A clear mind also requires a clear space. Select a clutter free space or clean out the clutter around your “spa” room. Is that to-do list running through your head non-stop? Take a moment to write down those burning tasks. That way you know you won't forget them later. Once you've created your at-home spa environment, it's time to get started. Dim the lights, get your favorite calming scented candle ready, and turn on some relaxing spa music to help you relax and transport your mind to your favorite mental place.
Step 2: Prep Your Skin
The first step in any facial treatment is to ensure your face is clean. Your skin goes through a lot every day. Dead skin cells accumulate throughout the day and by the evening, your face has a nice layer of bacteria, oil, and dirt on it. Not only is it important for your skin health to gently remove the dirt, but also, it is a great way to mentally remove the weight of the day, too. We like to start with the Nuria Defend Purifying Cleanser, which transforms into a layer of impurity-lifting bubbles to remove damaging free-radicals and return supple, glowing skin without over drying. If you’re feeling adventurous or have more time, you can also take a moment to exfoliate, which removes those dead cells so that the younger, fresher skin layers can make their way to the surface and better absorb your hydrating treatments. Our Defend Gentle Exfoliator is designed to be kind to your skin while still giving you that smooth, clear skin feeling.
Step 3: Luxuriate with a sheet mask and a hot bath
A spa-night must-have is a hydrating sheet mask to keep you feeling refreshed. We recommend the Hydrate Replenishing Biocellulose Mask. This mask features Rosebay Willowherb, Nata de Coco, and natural antioxidants to give your skin intense hydration and spa-like results. As you allow the mask's ingredients to penetrate your skin, get into a comfortable position and close your eyes. Let the sound of the music and scent of the candle carry you away. You've already written down your tasks, so you can let them go and let your mind wander. Close your eyes and give them a break given all the screen time your eyes have had lately. Take a deep breath and savor the moment. You can also combine masking with a Chinese foot bath to relieve tension from the bottom up. Traditionally, medicinal herbs are added to the bath, but the good news is that there are plenty of ingredients you can easily find from the kitchen! Some ingredients include ginger to help with aches and pains, Epsom salt to reduce fatigue, vinegar to enhance circulation, and lemon juice to exfoliate naturally. If you’re feeling extra luxurious, try adding these ingredients or a few drops of essential oils in a hot tub and mask while you relieve tension from all over. Don’t forget to bring in some wine and that book you’ve been wanting to read.
Step 4: Clear your mind for a good night’s sleep
So, how are you feeling? More relaxed? It's time to rejoin the rest of the world, but there's yet another opportunity to help you set the stage for an amazing tomorrow. Before heading to bed, pop on the refreshing Hydrate Nourishing Under-Eye Masks to reduce puffiness and dark circles so you’ll wake up with a bright glow. While you’re masking, play a guided meditation to rid of any remaining restlessness and quickly ease you into a deep sleep.
About the author, Naomi Furgiuele
Naomi is the founder of Nuria and a self-professed nerd with a love for all things science and skin care. She’s had a hand in product development for some of the biggest global beauty brands in the business, gets some of her best ideas while out on a run, and loves her exfoliator almost as much as her awesome family.