Nuria Calm Daily Moisturizer - bottle sitting with cottongrass and daisies
Crema hidratante diaria Calmar
Precio habitual $20
Nuria Calm Facial Mist -- bottle with water droplets laying in green leaves
Bruma facial Calmar
Nuria Defend Gentle Exfoliator - bottle underwater with ripples and sunlight
Exfoliante suave Defender
Precio habitual $16
Defend Overnight Recovery Cream - open jar with cream on fingertip
Crema de noche recuperadora Defender
Nuria Defend Purifying Bubble Mask - packages with bubbles forming on them
Mascarilla purificante de burbujas Defender
Precio habitual $5
Nuria Defend Skin Restoring Serum - close-up of bottle with dropper removed and held over top of bottle to reveal clear serum
Suero restaurador de la piel Defender
Nuria Defend Essence - bottle tilted against wall with shadow
Esencia protectora de la piel Defender
Nuria Defend Triple Action Eye Cream - tube with droplets laying among green leaves
Crema para el contorno de ojos de triple acción Defender
Nuria Hydrate Serum with Everlasting Flower
Suero reabastecedor de humedad Hidratar
Nuria Hydrate Moisturizing Toner - bottle under water with ripples and reflections
Tónico humectante Hidratar
Nuria Hydrate Nourishing Under-Eye Masks - envelopes and multi-pack boxes of masks
Mascarillas Nutritivas Debajo de Los Ojos Hidratar
Precio habitual $15
Nuria Hydrate Refreshing Micellar Water - bottle with droplets resting amongst green leaves
Agua micelar refrescante Hidratar
Nuria Hydrate Replenishing Biocellulose Mask - product envelopes on counter with shadows
Mascarilla Reabastecedora de Biocelulosa Hidratar
Precio habitual $5
Nuria Hydrate Revitalizing Jelly Night Treatment - open jar on white background showing blue-tinted jelly. Byrdie 2021 Eco Beauty Award Winner
Tratamiento en jalea revitalizante para noche Hidratar
Nuria Rescue Pore-Minimizing Toner - bottle on marble counter with leaves and shadows in background, College Beauty Awards 2021 Winner
Tónico minimizador de poros Rescatar

All Discountable Products - No Bundles/Kits

